Thursday 18 July 2013

This is my blog about my cheating wife and our attempt for marriage recovery.

I have been married for 13 years and have  been with my wife for 16 years total.  We have one 10 year old boy together.  Our relationship prior to June 12 2013 was pretty good.  We genuinely loved each other and rarely fought.  When we did fight it was typical husband wife crap, like money, helping out around the house etc.  Our sex life is crappy and has been since our son was born.  She was rarely into it and I felt like she was always "taking one for the team".  I wanted badly to please her but she never or rarely seemed into it.

My wife is a beautiful young women in her mid 30s.  She is very attractive and successful.  She works away from home so she is gone most the day, but returns in the evenings.  I work from home so I take care of our son etc. 

Well about mid May 2013 I noticed my usual stressed wife was more relaxed, confident and happy than usual.  I welcomed this.  She was buying new clothes, lost a few pounds (not that she needed to) and was just overall happy and less depressed (she has suffered mild depression since the birth of our son).

I remember I was away for 1 night in May and when I called my wife the next morning to let her know I was in route home, she was different.  Instead of her usual "what time can I expect you", it was " no problem honey, no rush, take your time".  I chalked that up to her new sense of happiness that I had seen in her lately.  Well a few weeks go by and everything is good.  our sex life hasn't gotten better, but she is happy, and I liked her this way.

On Friday night of June 7 2013 I meet her at her moms after work, she has had some wine and in a super good mood.  She pulls me aside and says look hon I got a Brazilian.  At first I'm taken back as she has never had that done before, but again I let the worry flutter away and chalk it up to her new  found happiness.  We are having a few drinks later that same evening and she tells me that she is going away for 3 nights this coming Wednesday June 12.  Right away I'm filled with the sense of uh oh something is up.  She does travel for work, very rarely though, and usually there is plenty of notice.  I had a feeling something was off.  But I still trusted my wife and she never gave me a reason to distrust her.  Again I push the feelings aside.

The weekend comes and goes and I still feel uncomfortable about this situation.  i throw out jokes like, only take your Granny panties on Wed.  I ask very little about the "work event".  She seems fine I don't sense any distress from her or anything uncomfortable.  But Tuesday night comes and I'm thinking maybe ill go to bed with her (she is typically in bed early) and see if I can romance her before her trip the next morning.  I get the cold shoulder.

Wednesday morning I drop her off at the commuter rail, as she was heading into work first before she left for her conference, which was suppose to be in Whistler BC ( a 2 hour drive from her office).  Everything is normal.  That night I'm feeling nervous, waited for her to call, she never does.  12am rolls around and I think I should call her, but thought I was being crazy that no way she would ever be having an affair and so I leave her be.

I wake up early. Thursday June 13.  Check my phone, nothing from her.  I send a quick text that says I missed her last night.  Give me a call when she rolls out of bed.  My stomach is knotted.

 I remember my wife used icloud to find our sons ipad 2 weeks earlier and the thought pops into my mind.  I decided to see if I could access her icloud.  I was able to after a couple attempts.  I tracked her phone.

The map slowly loads and instead of Whistler BC it has her pinged in a nice hotel in Bellingham, Wa!
At that exact moment my heart sank and I felt as though time stopped. It was the most horrible feeling and it still haunts me 5 weeks later.  I had no doubt now that she was having an affair.  That it started at least near the beginning of May 2013 when I started to notice her change.  I was nervous, angry, scared.....I was a mess.  I had clients in route to my place and a busy day ahead.  I did not know what to do.  I confided in a good friend who was horrified obviously.  He asked me if I wanted to go there and confront them.  I said no.  I print screened the map of her location.

I sent another text this one said...

"Call me please I have something important to tell you".

Half hour later she calls me.  She sounds tired (add jokes here).  Its 845am.  She says what is so important?  I tell her that I love her and just missed her.  I ask her about whistler and her evening.  she says she was out for drinks with everyone and Whistler was good.  Asked her what bar they were at, she lied again.  I said sorry to wake her, she mentions she may be on her way home.  I act surprised.  She says she doesn't have to stay for the events on Friday or Sat.  That she would call me when she knew what she was doing.

After we hang up I send her another text that says I had a bad dream that she was having an affair, that is why I called her so early, I apologize and tell her I hope I still make her happy.  She texts back later that she does love me and that I do make her so happy....yeah right I think.

I'm left thinking she got cold feet perhaps, or it just didn't go as the cheaters had hoped?  A while later she texts that she is on her way home - its 11am now.  I track her phone and sure enough she is in route to the border and on her way home.

She arrives home after 1pm.  I ask her how whistler was and act suspicious that she was home so early (she had planned to be gone for 3 days).  She says Whistler was fine and that she wasn't feeling great so headed home.  I drop a folded piece of paper in her lap and leave.

To be continued

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